BROKEN COLUMN aka RATTAN by Columbia Glass c. 1888
Difference #1 Reproductions may or may not and originals in this pattern
will turn yellow green under a black light in a dark room.
Difference #2 The original goblet weighs 12
oz. & the repro weighs nearly 14 oz.
Difference #3 The notches
on the ribs are sharlply defined on
the original but are smooth on the reproduction.
Difference #4 The original is thinner glass
than the
repro but that is hard to tell if you only have one.
Difference #5 The original has no glass in the
base of the bowl like SOME
of the repros do. You might need to study
the last of my photographs
carefully but "in person" the difference here
is very obvious.
This is a beautiful pattern but it is fraught with
danger. At least 2 factories have issued reproductions and whereas
one of them did it for the Smithsonian Institution and signed "SI"
in the spaces between the ribs on every piece they made, others, including
L G Wright made great copies and did not permanently mark them. The
goblets confuse a many folks but they really shouldn't if you really
pay attention. |
This is the goblet. The original issue is shown on the
left and the reproduction on the right. The original goblet is
a full 6" tall
but the repro is only 5 3/4" tall. |
The above photo shows the difference in the thickness
of the glass. Of course if you only have one in your hand, you
can't compare them but the original is actually not as clunky; it has
a teeny gray cast as opposed to a bright white look. |
You have to look really closely at the base of the goblet
in the above photo. The extra helping of glass in the base of
the bowl of the reproduction is much more obvious "in person" than
in this photo. See below for better pictures of this difference. |
Original Reproduction |
And look at the difference in the margin at the top between
the scallops and the top edge. |
Above and below are Originals |
Above and below are Reproductions |
See also
WESTWARD HO! aka Pioneer
SHELL & TASSEL goblets
U. S. COIN aka Silver Age